I help business owners earn a higher income by promoting themselves to a higher-paid Executive role (CEO).

The $1,000 per hour CEO

When you accept the role of CEO, you get paid for the value you add to the business. You get paid what you are worth!

Exactly what you’ve always craved, right?

But to move from wage-earner to paid-for-results executive we must start performing a different type of work. This is the process I teach my clients, and it regularly pays them $1,000+ per hour when done right.

The kind of things we do

Learn how to…

  • See the business
  • Find opportunities
  • Prioritise
  • Execute
  • Build confidence
  • Gain the confidence of those around you

Executive coaching wins

Recent executive projects completed with clients.

Seeing Problems

  • Troubleshooting: A dashboard built with the CEO of a personal training company allowed him to oversee all key business numbers in one place. As a result he was able to spot problems in real-time and remedy them quickly. Discoveries included:
    • Trainer stealing clients (fired and new policies implemented)
    • Lead flow was too low (ad budget increased)
    • Client loss was too high (more regular check-ins with clients)
    • Profit margin was too low (prices increased)
  • Escape from client work: Owner was struggling to fully adopt her CEO role because she had found client work almost impossible to escape, but has now finally made the leap on the back of our work (including delegation, mindset, fears of letting go, mechanics of handover, quality control, and management). As a result, our growth engine (our CEO) has doubled in size and so has her confidence in the CEO role.
  • Better Clients Project: In an accounting practice bad clients can cause you frustration, extra work, low profit, and poor cash-flow. The Better Clients Project (ongoing) is helping to say goodbye to bad clients, turn OK clients into great ones, and attract new A+ clients. It’s proving to be transformational.
  • Opportunities List: A review of opportunities for an ecommerce business allowed the CEO to identify and execute a project that returned $1,200 per hour invested.
  • Opportunities List: A review for a marketing agency uncovered projects worth $30,000 to $200,000, helping him choose what to do next. The client’s feedback: “I just wanted to say that the CEO Opportunities thing is awesome!”


  • Hitting Targets: I’m working with multiple clients on the essential skill of forecasting. Moving from goals to forecasting greatly increases the CEO’s ability to hit targets (make goals a reality), which builds their confidence and is ultimately what makes a rockstar CEO.
The purpose of executive coaching is to radically improve the performance of the CEO. The people I work with are typically high performing as an individual spread across many roles, but low-performing as CEO because of a lack of time and attention paid to this unique role.

Want Dave on your team?

If you want to get better at the one role in your business that has the potential to pay you over $1,000 per hour, then adding Dave to your team will take you down the rabbit-hole. See below for details on how we can work together.

Monster Map

You are 5 weeks away from a dramatic shift in confidence

This is where all my clients start. A 5-week business review where you and I together identify the fastest surest path to your goal, and the snakes and ladders we need to see to get you there.

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You are 12 months away from your goal if it's non-negotiable

1-1 Business Advisory is essentially the “all-in” version of business coaching, with access to your coach 365 days a year. It’s for when you decide to make your income or lifestyle goal a non-negotiable.

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